You are on the balcony
looking over the edge
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Looking down on everyone.
Thinking that you are above everything.
Wishing that you were, but knowing that you're really not.
Struggling to accept the difficulty, that is being you!
Wondering what's the point.
Realising there is none.
OMG, depression city.
"It's okay to not be okay."
it starts with being confused psychotherapy therapist client psychiatry patient doctor selective serotonin reuptake inhibitors (SSRIs) medications have you taken your meds psychoanalysis Freud sofa the unconscious mind ego id Jung Lacan Melanie Klein gestalt cognitive behavioral therapy CBT neuro linguistic programming NLP archetypes existential psychotherapy knowing unknowing philosophical counselling depressing depressed depression anti-depressants suicidal thoughts suicidal tendencies self-harm cognitive brain serotonin medicated evolutionary psychology attention defecit hyperactivity disorder psychotic sociopath psychopath psychiatrist psychologist psychotherapist psychoanalyst diagnosis crazy insane mad mental nuts disturbed autistic aspergers weirdo traumatised childhood trauma break-down abuse neglect having an episode schizophrenia lsd research lunatic disorder neurological science bipolar suffering anxiety couples therapy art therapy psychological research anti-science psychedelics health self-medicating
Mental health support is for EVERYONE. This webpage is just a little reminder to people that if you are struggling, in any way, help is available. People who seek help aren't just one kind of crazy that you see in horror movies and they should be locked up... they are mostly normal crazy people - like you, if you just pressed all those stupid buttons.
There are all sorts of ways you can seek help, talk to a friend, listen to a podcast, talk to a trained professional - you could even try texting with an AI robot that will try to become your friend! Different methods work for different people and different issues.
There are so many kinds of mental health support. Art therapy, counselling, and existential psychotherapy are just a few of the approaches that might work for anyone. You can investigate what options are available following some of the links below.
Here is a handful of actually useful clicks for your fingers, of organisations and individuals based in Saigon that offer mental health support.
You don't need to know the difference between psychoanalysis and psychiatry, or gestalt psychology and cognitive behavioural therapy - but exposure to these terms gives you an opportunity to go and do more research if you want to. The internet is a world of information, right at your fingertips... use your fingers wisely. Or if you're too lazy to open google and do a search, you can click me to find a thorough list of more resources made by volunteers at Gãy, go on I dare you!
The decision to click any of the links on this website, or to learn more more about how to change your life is 100% up to you. Saigon Community Radio \..SG_CR../ cannot be held responsible for improving your life in any way.
stay inside \..SG_CR../
There's no place like home.